Ephraim Utah LDSSA
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My Ward
Academy Square Suites 1st Floor
Academy Square Suites 2nd Floor
Academy Square Suites 3rd & 4th Floor
Acorn Apartments
Alpine Canyon Apartments
Alta Apartments
Anderson Hall
Aspen Ridge
Badger Burrows
Badger Cove
Badger Hollow
Badger House
Burgundy House
Canyon View
Castilleja Hall
Cedar Creek Ward
Cedar Ridge
City Hall
Corner House
Ephraim 1st Ward
Ephraim 2nd, 3rd, & 9th Wards
Ephraim 4th, 5th, & 6th Wards
Ephraim 7th & 8th Wards
Fairview 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Wards
Fortune Garden Apartments
Fortune Garden House
Fountain Green 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Wards
Gray House
Gunnison Wards
Indianola Ward
Manti 10th Ward
Manti 1st & 2nd Wards
Manti 3rd & 4th Wards
Manti 5th & 6th Wards
Manti 8th & 9th Wards
Maple Cove
Mary Nielson
Monson House
Moroni 1st & 3rd Wards
Moroni 2nd Ward
Mountain View Apartments
Mountainville Ward
Mt. Pleasant 1st & 6th Wards
Mt. Pleasant 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th Wards
Nuttall Hall
Oak Tree Apartments
Paisley House
Park Place A-H
Park Place I-M
Park Place N-R
Pinetree 1
Pinetree 2 & 3
Pioneer Hall
Pioneer House
Red House
Sanpitch Ward
Schreiner House
Skyline House
Snow Chateau
Snow Crest
Snow Gardens A
Snow Gardens B
Snow Gardens C-D
Snow Gardens Corner House
Snow Gardens E
Snow Hall
Snow Lodge
Snow Summit
Snowy River
Spring City 1st & 2nd Wards
Stadium View
Statewide Apartments E3
Sterling Ward
Stone Croft
Tan House
The Cottages
The Rez
Victorian House
Wathen House